Asian Candy Book Sample First Entry January 4th-- My Mother Found My Dildo

All Rights Reserved- This diary is fictional and not based on any persons living or dead.  Any similarity is purely coincidental.

Asian Candy Book 1, Diary of a Single Asian Female, is now available on Amazon!  See sample chapters here.

We are giving away copies of Diary of a Single Asian Female on Amazon for free!


hen we first came to the United States, we lived in a dingy one bedroom in Chinatown.  Eventually, after my parents saved their money, they moved to a house in Brooklyn. My mother took my hand and led me to the dresser that used to be mine and showed me a dildo.  Well, my dildo. Now I don’t want you to think I’m a nympho or anything like that. I used this dildo only once, out of curiosity. It was too pointy, and being a germaphobe of sorts, I thought it was kind of dirty to be putting something in myself over and over again.
My mother opened up my dresser and took out the long and skinny nine-inch latex-skin pointed dildo that vibrated.  It was wrapped in a box I had kept from my trip to London during my college years.
Wo fa xian ni de jia ji ji.” I found your fake penis.
My face turned a humiliating shade of red.  It’s as if she found drugs.
Wo fa xian ni de jia ji ji.” I found your fake penis.
My face turned a humiliating shade of red.  It’s as if she found drugs.
“You found my what?  Ma, it’s not called a fake penis!”
Wo yao bao hu ni.  Wo bu hui gao su ni de baba.  I want to protect you.  I won’t tell your father.
“Why would you tell baba?” I asked.
Jia ji ji hen wei xian.” Fake penis is very dangerous.  Wo yao diu diao ni de jia ji ji.” I’m going to throw away your fake penis. 
I just walked away, humiliated.  Story of my life.
For the rest of the story, click here.

Giveaway of Diary of a Single Asian Female on Amazon!

Speaking of dildos, have you seen this $2,180 gold version at Brookstone?


  1. i absolutely love this! this is great..i can totally relate to this in a way, but i am a gay male and i am very picky with men and guys have always told me online "why are you still single?! you're very cute, you have such a sweet personality..was sure by now someone would've swept you off your feet." but i mostly get hit up by broke guys or guys who cant really afford me sugarwise..they want just old-fashioned romance and i'm not seeking just that i want MORE. not your ordinary oriental male. first paragraph you wrote i could so relate. WHEN IS YOUR BOOK COMING OUT??? I WILL BE THE FIRST TO ORDER IT ONLINE. i am going to bookmark this in case you update any more..thank you and have a beautiful day! xo

  2. Hi, thanks for the compliments! I will be updating this soon, so keep on coming back!


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