
Asian Candy Book Sample First Entry January 4th-- My Mother Found My Dildo

All Rights Reserved- This diary is fictional and not based on any persons living or dead.   Any similarity is purely coincidental. Asian Candy Book 1, Diary of a Single Asian Female, is now available on Amazon!  See sample chapters here. We are giving away copies of Diary of a Single Asian Female on Amazon for free ! January4 th --My Mother Found My Dildo W hen we first came to the United States, we lived in a dingy one bedroom in Chinatown.   Eventually, after my parents saved their money, they moved to a house in Brooklyn. My mother took my hand and led me to the dresser that used to be mine and showed me a dildo.   Well, my dildo. Now I don’t want you to think I’m a nympho or anything like that. I used this dildo only once, out of curiosity. It was too pointy, and being a germaphobe of sorts, I thought it was kind of dirty to be putting something in myself over and over again. My mother opened up my dresser

“I Won’t Hold it Against You that You are ABC!”

Excerpt from Diary of a Single Asian Female: Adventures in New York City by Candy C h a n , available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback . “I Won’t Hold it Against You that You are ABC!” Email from Greg, the reluctant suitor: Dear Candy, I don’t know if you remember me, but I met you at Barnes and Noble about a year ago.  I spoke to you for a few minutes about a book, and you gave me your email.  Then, we emailed each other about the book.  I’ve been meaning to write but didn’t know if you were interested.  As you can see, I am good in business, but not in other areas, especially matters of the heart.  Let me know if you are interested in getting together. Greg I remembered Greg.  I was hoping he would call, as he was very polite and good-looking.  I can’t believe he didn’t have the confidence to ask me out right after we met.  What’s more puzzling is that he still kept my email in his inbox after a whole year (his email today was a reply to my email from a year ag

Asian Candy Book Cover

  Here is the Asian Candy book cover.  Do you like it?  Please post comments.  

Number One Rule for Dating

Candy has lots of dating advice after dating hundreds of men over the years.  Her number one dating advice?  Trade pictures before meeting a blind date.   Here's what happened:     Excerpt from Asian Candy: ...Based on the email from Eden, we should never have kids with a man just because our clocks are ticking. I want to make sure the man I have kids with is in fact my Mr. Right. I have lots of experience in blind dating. The most essential thing to do before you meet any guy is to TRADE. This way, you both know what the other looks like, and it’ll save you the awkwardness. Not that pictures tell the whole story. Just as some men like skinny women, I prefer a full head of hair on a man. What can I say? The heart wants what the heart wants. Once I agreed to meet a guy who was very vague about the way he looked. Toupee-Man. He said he saw my personal ad in a local Manhattan paper, back when it was design and created by a local romance writer. Look, I know

"Someday You Will Be Loved"

I listen to songs on Pandora and music inspires me to create.  This morning, I heard "Someday You Will Be Loved" by Death Cab for Cutie, and it got me thinking: How many times have we wondered why someone stops calling us, and we wonder when we will be loved.  Candy felt this way when the Wall Street Guy, aka Mr. Perfect stopped calling her after a few days of hot passion.  Little did Candy know, that indeed, someday, she will be loved, as she had never been loved before.  For all those who are still wondering, love is right around the corner. Click on the You Tube video first and it will play "Someday You Will Be Loved" while you enjoy the latest Asian Candy Manga, inspired by this song.  

Asian Candy Manga
